Jumat, 20 April 2012

Definisi Noun Clause & Contohnya

Definisi Noun Clause

Noun clause adalah clause (klausa) yang difungsikan sebagai noun. Seperti halnya single noun (i.e. bookperson, dst) dan noun phrase (i.e. this book, the one, dst), noun clause juga dapat digunakan sebagai subject kalimat dan object kalimat. Menurut jenis kalimat asalnya, Noun Clause dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 macam, yaitu:
1.      Statement (pernyataan)
2.      Question (pertanyaan)
3.      Request (permintaan)
4.      Exclamation (seruan)
Contoh Kalimat Noun Clouse

1.        That Mrs. July is a good Doctor
2.        The truth is that Gina was not very smart
3.        That the planet Earth is round is well known
4.        Can you tell me if Nisa is here?
5.        We are all afraid that the final exam will be difficult
6.        The fact that Doni always comes late doesn’t surprise me
7.        She suggested that I read the book
8.        Boby told me that he had finished breakfast
9.        They always work hard to accomplish what they want
10.  He wants to learn about whatever is interesting

Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Human Brain Need Vacation

Doing the same routine every day will lead to saturation and the brain can not work optimally. There are 4 reasons that make the human brain needs a vacation.

A study conducted by the Families and Work Institute found that doing a vacation like going to museums or the beach nearby is important for the brain.

Here are 4 reasons that make the holiday becomes important for the brain, as quoted from Myfoxorlando.com:

1. Improve Memory
Dr. Russell Poldrack as director of the Imaging Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin said the holiday will provide a new experience, this condition will make the brain responds by releasing dopamine into the hippocampus (part of the brain that creates a memory or memories). This will improve memory and help protect against Alzheimer's disease.

2. Enhance creativity
American and French researchers found the holidays can increase the ability to solve problems, raise awareness of the connection is lost and to encourage people to try something new. This is because vacation facilitate the mind's creativity.

3. Sharpens concentration
Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh reported that people with serious health conditions tend to take less time thus increasing the levels of stress hormones. Poldrack said when someone is tired, then the prefrontal cortex will be overwhelmed due to the amount of stress hormones and makes one lose focus or concentration.

4. Provide rest time
The study found 2-3 days after the holiday people will have a rest time and a higher quality sleep, it can even be increased to 80 percent. Quality sleep can improve memory and brain health. 

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